Spring 2022

Happy Spring from your LuMin Community!

Pastor Kari and four LuMin members are shown smiling over donuts, hot drinks, and masquerade masks. They are tabling on Cross Campus for Shrove Tuesday, and they are bundled up for the February New Haven cold.

Spring has sprung in New Haven, and despite having to keep our hats and jackets close at hand for the sporadic cold days, we are so happy to celebrate the warm weather and longer days!

We have been sharing in ministry and fellowship all over Yale's campus, and we'd like to share some of the highlights with you! We'd also like to thank you all for your support and generosity this past year and share our upcoming plans!

~ Henri Santelman - LuMin Administrator and Writer for this E-news

Sharing home-baked LuMin love

Pastor Kari getting out of her car holding packages of brownies that she is delivering to LuMin students.
Anne Northrup YC '22 smiling with her face pressed against a table; she has shoulder-length brown hair, and the table is covered with a green tablecloth and has chocolates on it.
A table covered with a green tablecloth, containing a tupperware of individually wrapped brownies, some small chocolates, a stapler, and stamps;

Since most of our ministry was virtual for the first chunk of the semester, we decided to do something special for Valentine's Day this year! We delivered a gift bag including Pastor Kari's home-baked brownies, some chocolate treats, and a personal note to any students who signed up, on and off campus. (There had been some yearning for Pastor Kari's brownies since we'd been having Taizé and fellowship online!) Anne Northrup (YC'22) reported she truly enjoyed assembling and delivering the treats and spreading some Valentine's Day LuMin love!

Shrove Tuesday

Five Yale students gather around a table containing donuts, hot drinks, and masquerade masks to celebrate Shrove Tuesday.
Three Yale students smile beside a table containing donuts and hot drinks. They are all bundled up with warm jackets.

To celebrate Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras on the last day before Lent, we did some tabling on Cross Campus, handing out donuts from Donut Crazy! There was also hot chocolate, and many students stuck around to chat about their Mardi Gras memories and enjoy a break in the day!

Ash Wednesday

Patrick Chappel YC '23.5 smiles in front of a table containing refreshments and a bowl of Ash Wednesday ashes. He is wearing a green jacket and glasses, and he has shoulder-length dirty blonde hair and ashes on his forehead.

We also set up a table on Ash Wednesday, offering students hot tea, pretzels (click to learn more about Pretzels and Lent), some information about Ash Wednesday and a chance to receive ashes with the sign of the cross.

Pastor Kari poses with two students after Ash Wednesday Taize Prayer outside of First and Summerfield Church. She has ashes on her forehead.
Students and clergy commune over a table of refreshments outside of the sanctuary following Taize Prayer. Many are masked, and many have ashes on their foreheads.

We also invited folks to come to our special Ash Wednesday Taizé Prayer service that evening. Many of our friends from The Episcopal Church at Yale (ECY) joined us for a contemplative time of prayer and song, and for our time of conversation outside on the church porch afterward!

Thank You for All the Support

We have been and continue to be blessed by the support we receive from the great LuMin community - including you! Whether it's through engagement, donations, or prayers, we are grateful for the role that you play to support this essential ministry!

We'd like to recognize those who have donated in honor of or in memory of an individual:

In Honor of...

  • Robert Ulery in Honor of Rev. Richard Olson

  • Brett and Maria Erlandson in Honor of Riley Erlandson

  • Russ and Carol Erlandson in Honor of Riley Erlandson

  • Michael Lundberg in Honor of my Luther House friends

In Memory of...

  • Rev. Tim and Rev. Kari Henkelmann Keyl in Memory of Stephanie Sherry and Pastor Carl Sharon

  • Dianne Witte and Richard Ford in Memory of Rev. Richard "Swanny" Swanson

  • Deborah and Paul D'Addario in Memory of Rev. Rudolf Keyl

  • Michael Lundberg in Memory of Pastor Carl Sharon

  • Karilyn Mackey in Memory of Pastor Carl Sharon

  • Merle Longwood in Memory of M. Jean Haynes

  • Anne Singleton in Memory of Pastor Carl Sharon

If you'd like to make a donation, click on the "Donate" button on the top right hand corner of your screen to donate with credit card or PayPal. We appreciate any form of support you can provide us as it enables us to continue to do meaningful ministry with and for Yale students.

A Prayer for you

Creating God, you breathed your Spirit into us at the moment of our creation.

You breathed undefeatable love into us through the victory of Jesus Christ.

You breathed tongues of fire to Christ's disciples, enabling them to do your ministry in this world.

Continue to breathe into our lives in this time of anticipation for the miracle of Easter, and beyond it, that we may continue to breathe love, justice, and grace to those around us.

In Christ's name,



Summer 2022


Summer 2021