Taizé Prayer

Come and fill our hearts with your peace. You alone O Lord are Holy
— Lyrics from the Taizé songbook

On Wednesday nights at 9:00 LuMin meets for Taizé Prayer – followed by snacks and conversation! We meet in Battell Chapel (400 College St.) on Old Campus weekly while Yale classes are in session (if you are ever unsure of whether Taizé will take place, check our calendar or reach out). For those who feel moved to join us virtually, reach out and we are happy to share the weekly Zoom link.

The Taizé community in Taizé, France, was founded in the 1940s by Brother Roger and has grown from a community that sheltered refugees from the Second World War to a place of peace, prayer, and song that welcomes thousands of young adults each week.

Taizé Prayer combines silence, song, readings, and prayer for an experience of spiritual renewal and supportive community which offers a perfect break in the middle a busy week.

If you would like to hear more about Taizé feel free to join our email list